Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wow, nearly 2 years since I've posted. I'm taking a cue from my friend, Milissa, who is really good at keeping her blog up. We'll see how long it lasts........

Ok, lets get you updated on our family.

Brett changed jobs last October and likes his new position. Hard to leave a job that he had been at for 8 years but it was time to go. He's busy breaking his new co-workers in, they are starting to get his sense of humor.

Kylie is starting kindergarten in less then a month. We went school supplies shopping yesterday - she needed 8 jumbo glue sticks, washable markers and paper plates, amongst other things. She's pretty darn excited, me - not so much.

Matthew is 3 now. He's an official big boy now after potty training in June. Amazing how much easier it was to do with him then with Kylie. She fought it for weeks and we had many battles about it. But Matthew pretty much caught on right away and has been doing very well. So nice to not have diapers any longer! Matthew's main interests right now are pirates and Star Wars. He doesn't have a favorite Star Wars character, he loves them all from Yoda to Obi Wan to Darth Vader. We have light saber and sword battles on a regular basis.

My summer hasn't been what I expected. I started training for the Mini Marathon in January. For those not familiar with this race, it's the largest 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles) in the world and is a big deal in Indianapolis. Training went well and I actually started to love to run. Brett and I would train together on weekends and enjoyed having that time on our own, even when we were too winded to talk! Well, May 2nd came along and we ran our race. Everything went perfectly, I finished with a really strong time of 1:49:45, a 8:23 per mile pace. About mile 10, I noticed a sharp pain in my hip, felt like a toothpick breaking. Nothing for me to stop for but enough that by the end of the race, I was hobbling around in pain. Chalked it up to sore muscles. Brett and I felt so strong after the race that we signed up for another half marathon in August and a full marathon (26.2 miles) in Akron, Ohio at the end of September. Well, the pain didn't go away, running was extremely painful and I knew something was wrong. Two doctors, 5 x-rays, numerous chiropractic visits, and an MRI later - I have 2 stress fractures. Ugh. My sports MD put me on rest for 3 months. So no running until at least September. But Brett, the good man that he is, is still training for the marathon and has promised to run one with me once I'm healed up. What a man. Love him!
I did have a follow-up with the dr last week and things are healing well. He even gave me the go-ahead to run a 10K (6.2 miles)at Disney World in October (we'll be in FL for the U2 concert that weekend anyways, nice for that to work out for me, huh?) So I'm looking forward to that.

Kids have been busy with two VBS's, one last week, one this week. Their friends, 2 sisters who are their same ages, are at VBS with them so they have friends already there. Always helps to have a friendly face in a new place.

Ok, so I'm off to play princesses with my princess. Promise to be back soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah!!!! Mary has a blog!